Dazed by the medication that I'm on. Not knowing what day it is as I move along. Things seemingly near yet so far away. I can not break the glass. I can not get away. Everything seems to real. Yet, I seem able to feel. Though I'm not sure whats here. Where am I really? Am I really here. Taking new medicines. To make me happy again. Does it work when I'm so damn sleepy I can't help but scream. My mind is wondering away. My eyes are drifting in the haze. I don't know if I like it. Like a good trip, there's nothing I can do but wait. Waiting for peace. Waiting for pieces. My mind is drifting away. Can you tell me where I'm at. Can you point me in the right direction. Why is this so COMplicated! I am in distress. What a mess. Teach me your ways. Directions of your cause. Taking the pills you give me. Calm me down. Teach me now. Will I ever learn. I'm feeling the burn... of it all. Can you tell me why? Why must I be stuck in this jar! Glass to thick... can't break it. Eyes to heavy... can't shake it. Pills to big... can't swallow. Why am I where I'm at? Is it so bad?